Organization Diagnosis – Organizational Development Process

Right questions, powered with scientifically designed survey tools, get you closer to the truth of your organisational behaviour.

At Naman, this forms the foundation of our diagnostic studies.

Organisation Diagnosis and Surveys

utilise a combination of tools to find out deep-rooted performance issues, employee engagement gaps, or cultural anomalies in a company.

Why do companies bother doing a diagnostic study?

  • It’s the first step to enabling large-scale change, adoption of new ideas or ways of working. If your company or department is getting ready for a transformational leap that will need employees to change – your best bet to a sustainable solution is first finding out what’s stopping them or is likely to stop them from accepting the new change.
  • It helps you effectively use your engagement budget by designing procedures and practices that truly impact performance and retention. Instead of shooting from the hip and trying to fix every problem in the book, a diagnostic study points exactly where you should focus.

For example: you may have a leadership mandate to improve your reward and recognition program this year so that it becomes more inclusive, young, and vibrant. But actually, employees are disengaged because the practice of managers being rude or disrespectful in interest of meeting goals has become widespread, even acceptable. Now, while the new R&R will get you the limelight, employees may still leave as soon as they find a better opportunity.

Why? Because the problem was always about lack of respect at work, not about the lack of recognition!

A relevant and timely diagnosis of org-wide performance and growth detractors can help you invest your company funds in the right direction.

As HR, do you struggle to build your relevance to the business and its P&L?

Here’s a tip.
Instead of exhausting your engagement budget on a fun event, direct some in conducting a basic survey to find out exactly what help employees need to improve their performance.

Make your leaders listen to you!

The Naman Advantage

At Naman, we ensure your diagnostic study helps you peer deep into your employee engagement levels and identify the most useful corrective measure. To do so, we leverage:

  • scientifically designed surveys that ask right questions at the right time.
  • analytical tools that separate noise from real signals about issues that need to be addressed.

Amongst other factors, the surveys help you get clarity on how employees perceive:

  • their physical environment
  • readiness for current role
  • support from key stakeholders
  • belongingness to the organisation

The detailed post-survey report is bespoke to your needs and can include any or all of the following findings.

  • Overall employee perception on drivers of engagement and organisational effectiveness – their take on satisfiers and dis-satisfiers and on perceived presence or absence. These will be flagged as:
    • Area of Immediate Actions
    • Area of Concern
    • Comfort Zone
  • Demographic based effectiveness of organisational drivers (i.e. Department; Age; Grade; Length of Service)
  • Inferences of survey findings
  • Recommendations in order of priority for action
  • Presentation to management with findings & recommendations

Our Approach

  • Stage 1


    Engage with stakeholders to understand goals, systems, and current HR processes & practices

  • Stage 2

    Qualitative data & tool development

    Collate qualitative data through interviews and focus group discussion (FGDs); analyse; design bespoke tools and questionnaires

  • Stage 3

    Tool administration

    Administer survey tools in multiple global languages - online ( or manually

  • Stage 4

    Analysis & report-out

    Analyse responses at varied levels; Compile report/s with tangible, ready-to-deploy action plan.

Are you looking for a scientific approach to understand how engaged and connected your employees feel to your organisation?

Are you being strategic about your engagement spends or falling prey to the ‘popular’ employee demands?

An employee and management survey is the most accurate way of finding your ROI.



Want to tackle tough decisions head-on? Our Dilemma Series™ helps you navigate complex situations by providing insights and strategies for effective decision-making. Explore our other Assessment offerings now from Talogy.


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